Corner Tooth Street & Old Maryborough Road, Pialba

Courtesy Bus

The Hervey Bay RSL courtesy bus offers a free service available to all Hervey Bay RSL / Clubhouse members and guests living within the local area (Scarness, Torquay, Urangan, Pialba, Point Vernon, Urraween) when they use the clubs facilities.

To arrange pick-up, phone the bus direct on: 1300 RSL BUS (1300 775 287)

The Phone is switched on Daily at 8.30am excluding Sunday which is 9.00am. First pick-ups are 9.30am/10am.

If you require the courtesy bus to take you home, please see a Clubhouse staff member to arrange drop-off.

Courtesy Bus does a Dundowran run on Friday and Saturday nights only. 6pm pick-up and 9pm drop off.

Please note: Persons under the age of 18 are not to travel on Courtesy Bus unless accompanied by an adult


Promotions & Offers

Terrific lunch specials available Monday to Friday for only $16 members, $19 non members.
Visit our Facebook page now for current spot promotion details.